The Company of Religious Grifters

We are in the final phase of the presidential campaigns leading up to our opportunity to vote on Tuesday, November 5th

It is so difficult for me to imagine, given the two presidential candidates campaigning for our votes, that there are “undecided voters”; persons waiting for more information or still weighing the candidates in terms of their stated policies as if Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are representing equally valid – albeit opposite – points of view.  

Such a point of view is a tragic false equivalence. To think that this is a normal electoral season with a normal choice between normal differing political perspectives espoused by normal candidates united in their love for the people of this country and representative democracy is dangerously WISHFUL thinking.

I champion the fact that in America we are a republic comprised of people with different political opinions but united in our desire and effort to discover a common good. It is never easy. It is always messy. But that is the price of a functioning democracy. We must not tire of spending significant effort to raise that capital. The cost of an authoritarian theocracy will bankrupt our souls as well as put our democratic republic into foreclosure.

If there is still a question of making a choice on candidates for the presidency in this election, or for any candidate for any public office wanting our votes, how about considering an ancient biblical truth in coming to a decision?

The Book of Proverbs is a collection of social guidance providing a faith-based perspective on what makes a fulfilling life and society possible. In what we now know and describe as Chapter 13 verse 20 we read this ancient but always relevant truth. He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Paraphrase: We are affected by, and we are known by the company we keep!!!!

While this is a great evaluative tool of character assessment on many, many levels, I find it so helpful to evaluate a candidate who would seek to lead us by such a long-tested truth.

Each of us has access to the social, political, and various influencers as well as supporters who have surrounded and presently surround our various candidates. We are aware of the company they keep. We would do well to take that knowledge seriously.

The presidential ticket advocating for a theocratic state and representing those who wage culture war in every community in pursuit of that objective is surrounded by a horrific group of religious hucksters, frauds, and grifters. 

One might (however impossible for me to believe) prefer the political types around this ticket, but I cannot understand or in any way respect or value any candidate who is surrounded by and supported by such a circle of religious frauds.  And these are those who are chosen by Trump as his religious ADVISORS!  WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?  WHAT DOES THAT REVEAL?

Let me name some names. Benny Hinn, Ralph Drollinger, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Robert Morris, Mark Burns, Darrell Scott, Omarosa Manigault Newman, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress, Eric Metaxas, Ralph Reed…and the list goes on, and on, and on.  Each person is similar to Joel Osteen who grifts millions of dollars each year in luxury tax exempt mansions and a multi-million-dollar net worth. Each is a proponent of some aspect of the abomination called “The Prosperity Gospel”. Many have been or are under investigation for tax fraud, sexual impropriety (several convicted) and misuse of funds contributed to their various “ministries.”

If one is known by the company they keep, the counsel they seek from that company, and the advocacy of policies which such company would devise for us all, is it not a powerful guidance to determine that Donald Trump – who surrounds himself with a company of religious frauds and grifters – is a candidate unworthy of our vote?

It is powerful motivation to vote for the team that keeps company with citizens who are far more joy-filled, hopeful, and serve as examples of moral and spiritual integrity.