The Next Right Thing

As I write this blog it is a perfect storm. The weather is terrible. It is cold again and raining…HARD. The late May days of warm sun are few and seemingly far between. Here I am, just like so many of you, stuck at home doing my sequestered part to stop the spread of a…

Knowing the Signals

Over a decade ago I started to wear hearing aids. Like everything else in life that is worthwhile and productive, hearing devices create a learning curve to achieve desired results. The hearing devices I wear to cope with the challenges of single-sided deafness have audible signals which let me know when it is time to…

A Big, Green Truck

The national news focus in recent days often broadcasts pictures of people demanding that “stay-at-home” and business shut-down orders in response to Covid-19 be lifted. In Harrisburg, PA, part of the protest gatherings shown on news clips included a green, tractor-trailer cab helping to tie up traffic and displaying a sign which read, “Jesus is…