When You Think Yourself Useless

For several reasons Norman McClean’s story, “A River Runs Through It” and the subsequent motion picture that was made from that novel, holds a revisited space in our home. I often think of the lines near the end of the book spoken by the elder Rev. McClean about helping others and as remembered by his…

Dropkick Me, Jesus

Some weeks ago, CBS 60 Minutes had a segment interviewing Baltimore Ravens place kicker, Justin Tucker.  He was on their interview list because Tucker has a 91% accuracy rate as a field goal kicker, is considered the best ever place kicker in the NFL, and has even managed to kick the longest field goal on record…

Under the Cloud…

Every human being on this planet born since 1945 is living under a cloud; a mushroom cloud.  Most all of us know what this cloud looks like. We have seen the pictures. Even the pictures are terrifying to see. Particularly the ones which record the atomic bomb drops at the end of World War II…