Getting Up or Putting Down

One of the great Gospel songs I’ve very much enjoyed singing on Easter Sunday mornings in my Cleveland-church experience is the loud, dynamic, rhythmic and just-plain-joyful fun anthem, “He Got Up!” With this past Holy Week, I’ve been reminded of it several times as Easter approached. And while the “Great Gettin’ Up” of the anthem proclaims…


Just a few weeks ago when I was a kid, Easter Sunday was (once I was up and awake) a happy, busy ordeal. My family would get up an hour before the sun, be dressed, out the door and in place at church for Easter Sunday morning services – services which started precisely at sunrise. The hymn…

COVID-19 is not God’s punishment on America

There are 31,102 verses in the Bible. Some folks with a great deal of time on their hands counted them.  A great many of those 31,102 verses are absolutely irrelevant to your life and mine. In fact, many of the verses one could pull out of such Books of the Bible as First and Second…